Apart from buying the right variety of vegetable seedlings for propagating the plants for commercial crop farming purposes in a particular region, what else do farmers need to know if they want to follow a succession planting method?
Succession planting can be challenging in more than one aspect as farmers do not have exact guidelines to follow and they can also not compromise on any of the important aspects. Every farmer has to plan their successions to suit their particular region, climate conditions, the specific type of crop, and their marketing goals.
They also have to work on the succession planning to improve it year after year as they learn which vegetables perform the best according to the mentioned factors. In this instance, careful planning and meticulous record-keeping practices are crucial for their crop farming success. Analysis of performance, climate, soil, irrigation, harvesting, storage, and transporting practices followed during the particular season is vital. This helps to identify issues to address, mistakes made, and opportunities to improve. The results from the analysis can be used to plan the next succession and to choose appropriate varieties of vegetable seedlings for transplanting.
Below are some of the tips shared across the Internet regarding the transplant scheduling of vegetable seedlings:
Heed the spacing requirements – the vegetable seedlings may seem to be performing well with less space, but as the plants mature, too little space between plants can limit sunlight reach and create the perfect conditions for disease spreading.
Follow the nursery guidelines regarding soil preparation to ensure the soil has the necessary nutrients, right pH, and drainage capability before transplanting the seedlings to their new environment.
Keep in mind that the vegetable plants will grow slower during the winter because of cooler temperatures and the shorter daylight periods, regardless of whether propagating in a greenhouse or outdoor environment.
Select various varieties of each type of crop to extend the growth season.
Commence with a variety that is more cold tolerant right at the start of the growth season, then switch to one that is well-suited for higher growth temperatures, and then switch back to one that can handle cooler weather for the fall crop.
Consult agronomists and horticulturists regarding the various varieties of vegetable seedlings to determine which ones will work best at the particular part of the year.
Keep in mind that plants differ regarding the period in which they are heat sensitive. Some are heat-sensitive during the germination stages, whilst others cannot handle too much heat during the early seedling period. Others do not do well with too high temperatures during the flowering period. It is essential to understand when the plants will reach the heat-sensitive stages before commencing with the transplanting of the plugs.