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Ungrafted Pepper Seedlings

Ungrafted Pepper Seedlings – Guidelines for Planting in South Africa

Ungrafted pepper seedlings grow well in the warmer parts of South Africa and are suited for tunnel propagation. The transplanting of ungrafted pepper seedlings should be done with consideration of the weather to ensure the best crop results and a low risk of losses during the initial phases when the plants adapt to their new soil environment. Where peppers are grown in windy regions, it is best to invest in windbreaks to avoid damage to the plants. The ungrafted pepper seedlings should be transplanted in well-aerated, loose, and well-drained soil that has already been cleared of weeds.

Guidelines When Using Plastic Mulch

Where plastic mulch is used, it is essential to ensure that the ridges are tight to prevent mechanical damage to the plants. Pepper seedlings grow fast and quickly develop thicker stems. To this end, the holes in the mulch must be big enough to accommodate the thicker stems. Stem contact with the mulch must be avoided to prevent the stems burning during periods of high temperatures.

Grouping of the Seedlings Before Transplanting

Identification and grouping of varieties according to their marked trays is important. Do so upon receipt of the ungrafted pepper seedlings to avoid varieties being mixed during the transplanting phase. Careful inspect the delivery note to ensure that the right plants have been delivered. If more than one variety is planted, prepare the area for each beforehand and mark them to be sure which variety is planted in a particular area.

Planting of the Ungrafted Pepper Seedlings

Seedlings must be watered thoroughly before being transplanted. Plant the seedlings far from dry medium in suitable planting holes. It is imperative to squeeze out any air pockets that might be present around the roots and visually inspect the planting process to prevent J-rooting because of incorrect planting protocol. Trays must never be put on the soil while transplanting. It is imperative to ensure the correct planting depth and to avoid soil covering the stems of the plants; the soil should cover the plug medium only.

Choosing the Supplier

Finding suitable bulk suppliers of ungrafted pepper seedlings is imperative for the assurance of the best plant stock at reasonable prices. Hishtil SA has more than 5 ha of temperature-controlled greenhouse facilities. The seeds are germinated in insect-proof facilities where the plants grow to uniformly sized seedlings before they are sold and being delivered to farmers across the country. The netted facilities help to protect the ungrafted pepper seedlings from insects and other pests.

Benefit from Hishtil SA’s Patented “Straight Root” System

One of the problems often experienced with the transplanting of ungrafted pepper seedlings is that the plants may struggle to adapt to their new soil conditions. The plants take a long time to settle down and some losses may occur. With the patented Straight Root system from Hishtil SA, the seedlings have proper root systems. This makes it possible for the pepper plants to settle down faster in their new soil environment, as the straight roots provide for a strong root system and minimal transplant shock to the seedlings.

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