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Plant quality seedlings during drought

Farmers who plant with seedlings rather than seed experience numerous benefits, especially in times of drought including:

  • Restricted losses: Losses of expensive seed are minimized with effective use of plugs since the 2-3 week germination period in the field does not occur. Germination losses in harsh climatic conditions such as extreme heat are overcome. Choosing a professional nursery and quality seedlings will maximize the seeds potential.
  • Reduced threats: Risk is limited as a result of shorter exposure in the field to birds, diseases and pests such as rodents.
  • Water savings: Less time in the field also contributes to significant saving of water and other resources such as labour, fertilizer and pesticides. This saving is enhanced when using HSA quality seedlings thanks to the fast and successful establishment

Other advantages of replacing seed with seedlings are:

  • Improved plants and yield: HSA seedlings’ trade mark is the Homogeneousness of the seedlings that result in uniform plants, improved final field stand, earliness in yield and more efficient harvesting.
  • Maximized production: Predictable delivery times of seedlings from the nursery helps to improve planning and crop cycling.
  • Better root system: Directly sown plants develop a deep tap root. This does not happen with seedlings as the root system develops differently allowing the implementation of more efficient watering techniques. HSA “Straight Root” system guides the roots and ensures optimal development.

Profitable vegetable production begins by using good quality seedlings as the first step in achieving a successful crop. Hishtil SA produces healthy, high quality vegetable seedlings to ensure fast and successful growth in any climate.

Contact Hishtil SA for more information.
015 395 4034 | e-mail: sales@hishtilsa.com or visit www.hishtilsa.co.za