Tomato Seedlings: Where to Get More Information on the Industry and Growing Guidelines
Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, B6, potassium, and folate and are popular fresh produce throughout South Africa. Farmers interested in growing tomatoes from seedlings can order the seedlings from established bulk-supply nurseries in South Africa. Growing from plugs holds several benefits, including:
A shorter period before harvesting, translating into a shorter period exposed to environmental and potential stress conditions, while the farmer also saves on water related to irrigation in the early stages of the seedling development.
Appropriate cultivars can be ordered for the particular growth area to meet the temperature and climate conditions in the area.
The seedlings are grown in special greenhouse facilities at the nurseries where they are protected against environmental stress, pests, and diseases. Farmers receive strong stock with uniform stand.
Particular traits are present in the specific plants.
The farmer can plan their crop-planting time and prepare the soil for transplanting before the seedlings are delivered.
The plugs are chemically treated before delivery to the farmer, ensuring protected plugs until the farmer is able to commence with the chemical treatment programme.
Fewer chemicals need to be applied because the plugs have already been chemically treated, translating into fewer chemicals that affect the area of transplantation.
The farmer does not have to collect the seedlings, as deliveries are done throughout the country.
Time savings because the farmer does not have to deal with the germination period and growth until the plugs are ready for transplant.
Guidelines are provided for the correct transplanting of the tomato seedlings.
Farmers in South Africa also benefit from the information, guidelines, and representation of the Tomato Producers’ Organisation (TPO). The organisation represents tomato producers in the country. Their representation extends to packing companies and sellers in South Africa. The organisation promotes the economic welfare of the producers and the industry. It also acts to solve problems in the industry and provides guidelines regarding laws pertaining to the commercial farming, packing, and distributing of fresh produce.
The organisation has one of its main objectives the creation of services and facilities relevant to the producers and sellers. They also encourage cooperation between the various producers, suppliers of products relevant to the farming community, and the sellers of the tomatoes to the public. The organisation has done in-depth research on the benefits of the plant and propagation of the crop for commercial farming purposes. The TPO works with various agronomists and nutritionists to learn more about the crop and to inform the public of the uses and health benefits of tomatoes.
Newcomers to farming with tomatoes from seedlings can get help in the selection of the appropriate cultivars from Hishtil SA, as a well-established bulk-supply nursery. The farmers benefit from the variety of plugs available and have the choice between grafted and regular seedlings. Apart from Hishtil SA’s superior-quality products and expertise, farmers wanting more information about the industry and growth guidelines can get information from the TPO regarding market conditions.