Looking for Bulk Vegetable Seedlings for Sale?
South African farmers have to deal with harsh weather conditions, water resource planning, and often being far from the markets. Having bulk vegetable seedlings for sale from a reputable nursery delivered to them anywhere in the country gives them some relief. This enables them to focus on managing risks such as weather conditions, water, and getting produce to the markets instead of having to collect the plugs from the supplier.
Bulk vegetable seedlings for sale can now be ordered directly from one of the most reputable commercial nurseries in the country. Hishtil SA has large facilities in Riebeek West and Mooketsi from where the vegetable seedlings for sale are delivered in bulk to the requested destinations.
These vegetable plugs are grown in special greenhouse facilities, enabling the nursery’s team of agronomists and growers to monitor every stage of growth. The plants receive optimal nutrition and are protected against weather elements, pests, and diseases. Therefore, farmers have quality assurance that the plants have strong root systems, have not been stressed, and are healthy. With strong stock to start with, farmers already have an advantage, as this gives them a solid foundation from which to ensure successful crop farming.
In addition, the bulk vegetable seedlings for sale are chemically treated before delivery. This gives the plants sufficient protection during the first period after being transplanted to grow strong. It also affords them time to prepare their chemical treatment plan. With one less chemical treatment applied in the field, it also translates into a reduced environmental impact.
The nursery has an international footprint, giving the local facilities and teams a large network of resources and expertise for research and input. This also contributes to the excellence for which the nursery is known.
Hishtil SA is the first South African nursery to have received GlobalGAP certification, further attesting to the nursery’s commitment to compliance with market requirements. The GlobalGAP certificate can be seen under the About Us section.
What is GlobalGAP Certification and Why is it Important for South African Farmers?
It is a quality and compliance assurance for farmers, entailing trademarks and standards for quality produce. When a supplier has this certification, it proves its compliance with the standards. Hishtil SA has 2021 GlobalGAP certification, showing that the compliance is current.
Types of seedlings available to farmers across the country include ungrafted (conventional) and grafted plugs. The ungrafted plugs are plants grown from seeds and delivered to the farmer. Grafted plugs are plants which have been created through the grafting method. This entails the fusion of two or more plants to grow as one, but with each part retaining its own characteristics.
Farmers can buy these conventional plugs:
- Processing tomato
- Cabbage
- Tomato
- Leeks
- Celery
- Herbs
- Butternut
- Squash
- Cucumber
- Melon
- Watermelon
- Seedless watermelon
- Broccoli
- Pepper
- Eggplant
- Cauliflower
- Watermelon
- Tomato
- Cucumber
- Melon
- Pepper