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Basics of Farming Grafted Melon Seedlings

The Basics of Commercial Farming from Grafted Melon Seedlings

As a result of continuous cropping on the same fields, soil-borne pathogens attack crops and cause damage. Since it is expensive to clear new fields, farmers need to reuse the same soil structures, so they rotate their crops. However, with crops such as watermelons normally requiring several years before it is possible to plant them on the same soil structure again, farming costs increase. To this end, commercially farming crops such as melons from grafted seedlings provides several advantages.

For example, grafted melon seedlings have an improved resistance to soil-borne pathogens. Therefore, the rotation period can be shortened, enabling the famer to maximise the potential of their available agricultural land. This means cost savings for the farmer in terms of irrigation and chemical treatments. The plants have a better shape, improved volume and quality, and better taste The farmer also benefits from getting the crop to the market sooner. As such, the commercial farmer is able to gain a competitive edge in the market, reduce their farming costs, and increase their profits.

Transplanting and Growing Guide

If transplanting to fields in windy areas, erect wind breaks to prevent damage to the leaves and stems of the plants – and thus plant losses. Transplant to well-drained and aerated soil, free from weeds. If using plastic mulch, ensure that the cover is tight on the edge and prevent contact between the plastic and the stem of the melon plant. Transplant the grafted seedlings on the day of delivery. In order to do so, prepare the soil in advance and make sure the appropriate irrigation infrastructure is in place. It is essential to transplant to moist soil to ensure the root zones are wet. Make the plant holes even before the plants are delivered.

Hole Depth and Irrigation

Do not plant the plugs deep; the holes should have a depth of not more than 1 cm more than the plug’s height. Firm the soil around the plug to prevent air pockets from forming around the roots and make sure the plug is straight. Once they have been transplanted, irrigate them immediately. Do not over-irrigate during the initial growth phase and do not apply additional phosphate to the grafted melon seedlings during the first 28 days.

Climate Requirements

Do not plant the plugs in the winter if temperatures of below 5 °C are expected, as yellowing can take place. However, once the temperatures are higher, the leaves and shoots will become green again. If having to plant under cold conditions, apply mulch or cover with frost plastic.

Grafted melons have excellent vigour, so exceptional strength and strong growth can be expected. The plants have good tolerance to soil-borne fungal diseases, though they are not resistant to viral and bacterial diseases. Seedlings can be ordered from Hishtil South Africa.

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